Learn my way
Using your computer or device
Including using a keyboard, a mouse or a touchscreen.
Online Basics
How to search and explore the internet, keep in touch with email and use public services online – all while being safe and secure.
Office programs
How to make information look good using a computer, helping you write CV’s, make budgets and present your ideas to others.
More internet skills, to make sure you’re confident with everything you might need to do on the internet, including online shopping and social media.
Online safety, to help to keep you, your personal information and your devices safe if you are using the internet.
Finding and applying for jobs online – learning how to search and apply for jobs online will make the process much easier and open up more opportunities for you.
Improving your health online – how to make appointments online, order repeat prescriptions and find advice on specific symptoms and conditions.
Managing your money online – finances can be made less tricky, by learning how to do budgeting, banking and shopping online in a safe and easy way.
Public services online – how to find information about public services and save time and money by visiting local and national government websites.
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